mirolee: Paseo de Susana廣場
mirolee: 戀人岬 Two Lovers' Point
mirolee: Gov Joseph Flores Beach Park
mirolee: abc (Alupang Beach Club)
mirolee: Fish Eye
mirolee: pagurian
mirolee: The Westin Guam
mirolee: 太平洋戰爭歷史公園War in the National Pacific Historical Park
mirolee: Under the Sea
mirolee: Somewhere in Guam...
mirolee: Somewhere in Guam...
mirolee: Somewhere in Guam...
mirolee: Somewhere in Guam...
mirolee: 色提灣展望台 Cetti Bay Overlook
mirolee: 伊納拉漢天然池 Inarajan Natural Pool
mirolee: Somewhere in Guam...
mirolee: canoe
mirolee: Beach Volleyball
mirolee: PICT1638
mirolee: DSC_1376
mirolee: DSC_1389
mirolee: DSC_1392
mirolee: DSC_1402
mirolee: DSC_1419
mirolee: DSC_1420
mirolee: DSC_1475
mirolee: DSC_1478
mirolee: DSC_1486
mirolee: DSC_1488
mirolee: DSC_1489