Garry A. Barker:
George Street Diner - Toronto, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Rosedale Diner Toronto, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Senator - Toronto, Ont.
Garry A. Barker:
Eddy's Diner, Ottawa, Ont.
Garry A. Barker:
Bank Street Diner - Ottawa, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Elgin St. Diner - Ottawa, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Reggae Rooster - Ottawa, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Planet Bakery - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Inside the Planet Cafe - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Hi Tops Meets Hot Belly Mama's - Petrborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Cook Takes a Break - Peterborough, Ont.
Garry A. Barker:
Elements Restaaurant - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Night Kitchen - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Our Lucky Stars - Warkworth, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Original - Bridgenorth, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Island Cream - Peterborough, Ontaaario.
Garry A. Barker:
Jeff Purvey's Fish and Chips - Peterborugh, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Waiter in the Mirror - Picton, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Inside The Planet Cafe - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
Reflections at Appollo Burger - Peterborough, Ontario.
Garry A. Barker:
The Pig's Ear Tavern - Peterborough, Ontario.