ohm_are: 01-DSC01386
ohm_are: 02-DSC01410
ohm_are: 03-DSC01413
ohm_are: Cat pushups
ohm_are: A trio of freaks
ohm_are: 06-DSC01456
ohm_are: 07-DSC01485
ohm_are: Art makes me happy
ohm_are: 09-f2125525
ohm_are: 10-f4446557
ohm_are: 11-f4586705
ohm_are: 12-f4875858
ohm_are: Torres del Basílica del Voto Nacional
ohm_are: 14-f5904832
ohm_are: 15-f7479616
ohm_are: At the bottom of Quilotoa Crator
ohm_are: Friends
ohm_are: Hiking the Quilotoa Loop
ohm_are: 19-f7788224
ohm_are: 20-f5719022
ohm_are: Mama Negra Festival in Latacunga
ohm_are: Mama Negra Festival in Latacunga
ohm_are: On the way to Quilotoa Crater