claire ♡: The cafés cat... a quiet place
claire ♡: The cafés cat... autumn camouflage
claire ♡: The cafés cat... Afternoon snooze
claire ♡: The cafés cat... autumn camouflage II
claire ♡: The cafes cat... windswept
claire ♡: The cafes cat... I'm ready for my close up
claire ♡: The cafes cat... as good a place as any to sit
claire ♡: The cafes cat... sleeping beauty
claire ♡: The cafes cat... sitting pretty
claire ♡: 'Let me in' ... so look who's back! :)
claire ♡: "I may let you in to my cafe" 💗
claire ♡: The cafes cat... 'How did you get in to my cafe human???!'
claire ♡: Watching the world go by ...