Pharmament: HIS LIFE
Pharmament: HIS LIFE
Pharmament: in a midafternoon
Pharmament: just wait a sec for eating
Pharmament: break time
Pharmament: Sunny day
Pharmament: at an art gallery
Pharmament: RED SKIRT
Pharmament: Lamp Shade
Pharmament: Come right there !
Pharmament: I'll keep your beauty ever after
Pharmament: I'm here even among other replicas.
Pharmament: humid air
Pharmament: just wait a sec before eating
Pharmament: STOCK
Pharmament: my phantom
Pharmament: between two shapes
Pharmament: her phantom
Pharmament: Come in.
Pharmament: ringing swinging
Pharmament: Oh dear! Oh dear! You shall be late!
Pharmament: vases
Pharmament: Waitress
Pharmament: Excuse me, ma'am.
Pharmament: Chair
Pharmament: above the dawn
Pharmament: glittering row