Chenyueling: After the rain
Chenyueling: Sweet heart
Chenyueling: Gift _sweet cake [Explore] August 11, 2015
Chenyueling: Passionate heart
Chenyueling: Greeting - Sorry ! I have to leave for a few days and I'll miss you
Chenyueling: Cheerful weekend
Chenyueling: Chrysanthemum
Chenyueling: Tulip -Colorful for you
Chenyueling: 睡蓮_water lily
Chenyueling: 菇菇grow up _It makes me so cheerful
Chenyueling: I'm going to be in full blossom
Chenyueling: Dry flowers
Chenyueling: Unfasten_Open your heart & enjoy the wonderful lifetime
Chenyueling: Camellia
Chenyueling: Tulip [Explored] Feb 22, 2015
Chenyueling: Chrysanthemum [Explored] Feb 03, 2015
Chenyueling: I find myself - sometimes very clear but blur.....sometimes.
Chenyueling: Flower in the flower_花中花
Chenyueling: Coming blossom
Chenyueling: : ) stamens orchid
Chenyueling: Singing in the rain
Chenyueling: Just blossom for you
Chenyueling: Camellia
Chenyueling: Living in the preset [Explored] February 15, 2016
Chenyueling: Colourful tulip petals
Chenyueling: Camellia ll
Chenyueling: Brilliant tulip- for a wonderful day
Chenyueling: ***Dancing Tulip ***
Chenyueling: Waiting for blossom
Chenyueling: Happy mother's day to all __謹以此花獻給全天下偉大的媽媽,母親節快樂 !