Chenyueling: Gorgeous flower
Chenyueling: gorgeous flower
Chenyueling: Gorgeous flower
Chenyueling: 睡蓮_water lily
Chenyueling: 風中搖擺 _Swing in the wind
Chenyueling: 茶園裏的小黄花
Chenyueling: 貓空茶花
Chenyueling: Gorgeous flower
Chenyueling: Gorgeous flower
Chenyueling: 花花草草_依偎snuggle
Chenyueling: 無處不逢生_Don't tread on me Please
Chenyueling: 2014-11-06_11-16-19
Chenyueling: 黑種草_black cumin
Chenyueling: 貓空茶花
Chenyueling: 山櫻桃_mountain cherry
Chenyueling: 三角草_Triangle of grass
Chenyueling: 珊瑚鳳梨_Pineapple coral
Chenyueling: 睡蓮 _water lily
Chenyueling: 海芋_yellow calla lily
Chenyueling: Good well
Chenyueling: Happy New Year 2015_Wishing you a rich variety & colourful year in 2015
Chenyueling: Camellia
Chenyueling: Attractive
Chenyueling: Elegant
Chenyueling: Flower in the flower_花中花
Chenyueling: 菇菇grow up_It makes me so cheerful
Chenyueling: I'm going to be in full blossom
Chenyueling: Gorgeous flowers
Chenyueling: How are you today ?