JX76: Centre of attraction
JX76: While the radiance lasts...
JX76: Getting blurry...accidentally
JX76: Mood......
JX76: The radial allure...
JX76: 3D oil painting?
JX76: The flaunting flora
JX76: Colourful flags on an eco-ship!
JX76: (Over) exposed!
JX76: Finding some inner peace...
JX76: Waking up to the morning sun
JX76: Enlightenment [Explored on 2014-11-16]
JX76: Sunburst from the corner [Explored on 2014-11-18]
JX76: Flower by the bay
JX76: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." - Albert Einstein
JX76: Seeing isn't everything until you get the full picture of it.
JX76: A mini sun blazing...