JX76: Bored~
JX76: "What do you want from me..."
JX76: "Who's that?"
JX76: Squeezing into the drain!
JX76: Feeling contented at the peaceful back alley
JX76: "What's this person doing?!"
JX76: "What is it again (that you want) this time..."
JX76: Cool mew, huh?
JX76: Ignores...
JX76: Skinny cat stares......
JX76: Portrait of the cock
JX76: "Who's disturbing my beauty sleep??"
JX76: "What?!"
JX76: A quiet afternoon swim...
JX76: "See how clean I am~"
JX76: The one (pigeon out of four).
JX76: Ninja!
JX76: Portrait of the pigeon
JX76: Met a handsome guy this morning :)
JX76: Sleep first and get on with life later...
JX76: "Wonder what the cars are doing on the streets..."
JX76: Just missing something...
JX76: Part 1: Eyes open.
JX76: Part 2: Eyes closed (almost).
JX76: Anticipation
JX76: Waiting in expectation
JX76: The secur-kitty guard
JX76: Daydreaming...
JX76: "You have a visitor!"
JX76: Side view