maxwellkimi: coolbreeze
maxwellkimi: haikyogirl
maxwellkimi: Konica Genba Kantoku Alterlogue Sirena caution
maxwellkimi: minimalist look
maxwellkimi: sundown
maxwellkimi: Hotel interior. Enjoy your stay!
maxwellkimi: Konica Genbakantoku (Off Road) shot on 200 ISO Alterlogue Sirena
maxwellkimi: Room with a dew.
maxwellkimi: correct reading posture
maxwellkimi: Haikyo temple kitchen
maxwellkimi: Everything we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see. Martin Luther King Jr
maxwellkimi: The empty vessel makes the loudest sound. William Shakespeare
maxwellkimi: The window of opportunity opens and closes as fast as a camera's shutter. (Warren Criswell)
maxwellkimi: abandoned onsen hotel
maxwellkimi: solitude