jola.mctotty: Here and there....
jola.mctotty: Tree in the clouds...
jola.mctotty: Trees within trees; clouds within clouds...
jola.mctotty: Red and green....
jola.mctotty: Highlighted....
jola.mctotty: That winter light...
jola.mctotty: Intersecting and fading away....
jola.mctotty: A tree in May...
jola.mctotty: Dreaming of Cuillins...
jola.mctotty: Floating in air and water....
jola.mctotty: In the frosted woodland...
jola.mctotty: Teeny, tiny faces.....
jola.mctotty: Glory of the snow....
jola.mctotty: Blossoming....
jola.mctotty: A primrose cloud...
jola.mctotty: A tree house...
jola.mctotty: This way, that way....
jola.mctotty: In the air....
jola.mctotty: Impressions of Crummock Water...
jola.mctotty: Iris upon iris...
jola.mctotty: Back to the lane where strange things happen...
jola.mctotty: A conundrum with some trees...
jola.mctotty: Where fairies live and dream...
jola.mctotty: A Cuillin hill profile...
jola.mctotty: Moonrising....
jola.mctotty: A silver birch - or two....
jola.mctotty: Raining in colours...
jola.mctotty: Liquid hills...
jola.mctotty: Skye sky light & moon light...
jola.mctotty: Some twigs in clouds or water...