jola.mctotty: A bit of shoreline....
jola.mctotty: Off for a wander...
jola.mctotty: A Tarn, Hardknott.....
jola.mctotty: Behold Scafell Pike!
jola.mctotty: Falling...
jola.mctotty: A glimpse of Upper Eskdale...
jola.mctotty: Hardknott and Hedgerow...
jola.mctotty: Baaaaa-ewe-ty and buttercups....
jola.mctotty: A rather murky afternoon, Glenderaterra valley....
jola.mctotty: Flying into the tree....
jola.mctotty: Silver birches amongst firs....
jola.mctotty: Highlighted....