collied: flowers
collied: flowers
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflowers
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflower
collied: sunflowers
collied: Sunflowers
collied: Sunflowers
collied: shady lane
collied: Late bloomers
collied: Yellow leaves.
collied: yellow
collied: yellow
collied: A little ragged
collied: this is for LN
collied: Arrowleaf Balsam C/W yellow spider
collied: The Fields of Gold
collied: The Fields of Gold
collied: Just a Subtle Hint of Colour
collied: Yellow
collied: A little yellow
collied: The Bees Knees