collied: apples
collied: fall harvest
collied: apple tree
collied: apples
collied: apple
collied: apple
collied: sunlight through the leaves
collied: Maple tree leaves.
collied: Maple tree
collied: Fall colours
collied: Getting ready for the fall.
collied: Davison orchards
collied: Red/Green
collied: Wild seeds ad MT pods
collied: Fall colors
collied: Hey ! You're supposed to put them in the bag
collied: The sidewalk is covered
collied: Lots of leaves to rake up
collied: Snow on the Hills
collied: Yellow leaves.
collied: Red Leaves in the rain
collied: Shoreline leaves
collied: Fall Colours
collied: It's Time to Pick Some Apples
collied: Kelowna Pumpkin Patch
collied: Soon Time To Rake 'em Up
collied: No Frost Yet
collied: Kuma
collied: Japaleno