collied: antique car
collied: topless fun run, " A " for automobiles
collied: fire truck
collied: car show
collied: car show
collied: car show
collied: car show
collied: car show main street Peachland
collied: Auto show
collied: steam boat
collied: in the park at Peachland BC
collied: Austin A40
collied: I wish
collied: Fire Brigade 1922
collied: IMG_2525
collied: IMG_2501
collied: IMG_2498
collied: Good Bye Pontiac
collied: Part of the solution to a GUESS WHAT THIS IS group challenge.
collied: The Cadillac
collied: Pretty Fancy Tow Truck
collied: I'd Like One of These , Please.
collied: Everyone Remembers this One.
collied: The rest of the story