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reading corner, lawrence bookstore
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historic lawrence
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all in the details
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limestone cottage
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victorian italianate
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a walk in the neighborhood
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victorian in lawrence
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old west lawrence historic district
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what a cute tudor!
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roosevelt memorial fountain, south park
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please. stop. snowing.
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josie and emily st. patrick's day
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free state st. patrick's day
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balloon juggler skating man
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josie and emily in the rain
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hawk rider float, st pat's day
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phil - head leprechaun
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st. pat's day with phil
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greg @ dusty bookshelf
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lawrence book store
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in the window, dusty bookshelf
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alice the bookstore cat
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dusty bookshelf store, lawrence
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dusty bookshelf, lawrence, kansas
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victorian lawrence
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old west lawrence
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victorian turret