lesleymattuchio: Osprey with breakfast
lesleymattuchio: Loggerhead Shrike
lesleymattuchio: Tricolor Heron
lesleymattuchio: Snowy Egret on the hunt
lesleymattuchio: Reddish Egret
lesleymattuchio: Hiding in her nest. Great Horned Owl
lesleymattuchio: Indigo Bunting
lesleymattuchio: Bald Eagle...Early morning shake out
lesleymattuchio: Reddish Egret... Hair on Fire!
lesleymattuchio: Female Bald Eagle getting a reprieve from sitting on eggs
lesleymattuchio: Snowy Artform
lesleymattuchio: Sandhill Crane
lesleymattuchio: 2 day old wild piglets
lesleymattuchio: Barred Owl
lesleymattuchio: Roseate Spoonbill
lesleymattuchio: Barred Owl pair
lesleymattuchio: Limpkin right at sunrise
lesleymattuchio: Sandhill Crane pair
lesleymattuchio: Royal Tern
lesleymattuchio: Anhinga portrait
lesleymattuchio: Common Gallinule
lesleymattuchio: Wild pig pile... Wild Pigs , Circle B Bar, FL
lesleymattuchio: American Coot running on water
lesleymattuchio: Ring-neck Duck - drake
lesleymattuchio: Ring-necked Duck - hen
lesleymattuchio: Coopers Hawk ( juvenile) Viera Wetlands, FL
lesleymattuchio: Bobcat, Merritt Island, FL
lesleymattuchio: Reddish Egret
lesleymattuchio: Roseate Spoonbill (juvenile)