lhojberg: DOKK1 - Aarhus Festuge
lhojberg: Limfjorden - Hals
lhojberg: The Great Wall of China
lhojberg: Aarhus Ø in the making
lhojberg: Mother Duck
lhojberg: Tangkrogen
lhojberg: Moonlight sailing
lhojberg: Boat
lhojberg: Last September Sunset
lhojberg: But in the end...
lhojberg: Grenåbanen
lhojberg: Seaside
lhojberg: An old tennis arena
lhojberg: Lights in the nightsky
lhojberg: Mountain Village
lhojberg: Hard Rock Cafe at Cleopatra
lhojberg: Do you see it?
lhojberg: Trocip Way
lhojberg: Hiding