ray3578: Leg Brace Sighting at D.C. Outdoor Cafe
ray3578: polio leg braces and builtup shoe
ray3578: rolling with KAFO leg braces and builtup shoe
ray3578: Builtup shoe and leg braces
ray3578: Leg braces in wheelchair
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and built-up right boot-1
ray3578: With leg braces, crutches and short leg
ray3578: Heavy KAFO leg braces and built-up right boot-2
ray3578: leg braces, crutches, built up orthopedic left shoe and leg bag -#1
ray3578: leg braces, crutches, built up orthopedic left shoe and leg bag -#2
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and boots
ray3578: KAFO Leg Braces and built-up shoe
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and crutches in GG Park-1
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and crutches in GG Park-2
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and built up-boot in GG Park-5
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and crutches in GG Park-4
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and crutches in GG Park-3
ray3578: KAFO leg braces and crutches in GG Park-6
ray3578: KAFO leg braces seen on park bench
ray3578: Leg braces and crutches on downtown sidewalk
ray3578: Classic Polio Leg Braces and Crutches
ray3578: Polio leg brace with built-up shoe
ray3578: Leg braces and crutches in the park
ray3578: Crossing the street, leg braces and crutches