tony.storey: Hunslet Engine Co. No.3781 passing Alreside with an up service train.
tony.storey: No.34072 257 SQUADRON passing Alreside on the rear of a down service train.
tony.storey: 5101 Class No.4144 passing Arleside with a down mixed service train.
tony.storey: No.34072 257 SQUADRON passing Arleside with an up service train.
tony.storey: No.34072 257 SQUADRON passing Arleside with an up service train.
tony.storey: 5600 Class No.6695 passing Alreside with an up service train.
tony.storey: Ivatt Tank No.41312 passing Arleside with an up freight train.
tony.storey: 5600 Class No.6695 approaching Sun Lane cutting with a down mixed service train.
tony.storey: Ivatt Tank No.41312 approaching the Northside Lane PW hut with an up service train.
tony.storey: 5101 Class No.4144 approaching the Northside Lane PW hut with a down service train.
tony.storey: No.34072 257 SQUADRON approaching Ropley's up outer home signal with the Atlantic Coast Express.
tony.storey: No.34072 257 SQUADRON passing the Northside Lane PW hut with the Atlantic Coast Express.