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Green, green, always green
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Green grass
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The Quiraing, sea view with Loch Hasco and Loch Langaig
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Green palette
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The Quiraing, it is amazing
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Elgol, a magic place
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Beinn Ghobhlach in the distance
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Sea and mountains
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Quelle lumière et quel panorama
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Eclat du soir
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Walk in the fields near Dunvegan cemetery
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Neist Point
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In sights, The Old Man of Storr and Loch Fada
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The Old Man of Storr
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Near The Old Man of Storr
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What a beautiful Highland cow !
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Cuillin Hills near Sligachan
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Isabelle, isabelle, Traquet Isabelle et bien non Traquet Motteux 1er hiver
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Waouh, what a beautiful red deer !
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Ardvreck Castle and Loch Assynt
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Fantom's Castle
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The Golden Ray
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Dark mirror
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Old Bridge of Sligachan and The Red Cuillins
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On the road to Sligachan
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Little barn sunset
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Elgol sun ray
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The Black Cuillins
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Gruinard Bay
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Magic rainbow