JohnJennings995: captured German staff car, Alamein, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: ruins of Tel el Eisa Mosque, Egypt, 1942
JohnJennings995: Alamein Railway Station, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: Tel el Eisa Railway Station, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: Tobruk Rats, Lybia 1942
JohnJennings995: Tobruk Rats - Bill Kadow, 'Chooky' & Ern Kadow, Tobruk 1942
JohnJennings995: El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: 'The front', Tel el Eisa, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: railway line repairs, Alamein to Tel el Eisa, Egypt, 1942
JohnJennings995: the front line, Tel el Eisa, Egypt, 1942
JohnJennings995: Ern Kadow (left) and local family, Palestine, 1941
JohnJennings995: Alamein railway station, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: Australian soldiers in front of the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, January 1941
JohnJennings995: captured German 88 mm gun, El Alamein, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: captured German Panzer III Tank, El Alamein, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: 6 pounder taken out by a German Panzer III, El Alamein, Egypt 1942
JohnJennings995: fifth Station of the Cross in the Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem c. 1941
JohnJennings995: Gaza War Cemetery c. 1941