JohnJennings995: Chrysidid wasp (cuckoo wasp) from South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0867 Bluff Knoll, Stirling Range National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 109 lock, Richmond Goal, Tasmania
JohnJennings995: DSC_2685 lots of evening activity on the River Torrens, Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2817 red hibiscus, North Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 028 2013 Tour Down Under
JohnJennings995: DSC_7623 Willow Brook (Frimley), 14 Angas Road, Hawthorn, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_5929 pink Watsonia borbonica, Wittunga Botanic Garden, Blackwood, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_6363 Hypericum hookerianum, Adelaide Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSCN1621 Adenanthos detmoldii, National Botanic Gardens, Canberra
JohnJennings995: DSC_6289 an array of roadside postboxes, Vivonne Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_8221 Seacliff Beach in the evening, Kingston Park, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2918 Carclew, North Adelaide
JohnJennings995: DSC_6567 residence at rear of former Bank of South Australia, Coral Street, Victor Harbor, South Australia
JohnJennings995: red kangaroo paws (Anigozanthos rufus), National Botanic Gardens Canberra ACT (2)
JohnJennings995: 147 Constitution Dock towards snow covered Mt Wellington, Hobart, Tasmania
JohnJennings995: 016 Kookaburras at Finch Hatton Gorge, Queensland
JohnJennings995: Rawnsley, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0814 Chorizema cordatum, Walpole, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_6396 Notocactus leninghausii, Adelaide Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 028 Yourambulla Caves, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 026 Yourambulla Caves, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 077 Dicksonia antarctica, Warra LTER, Tasmania
JohnJennings995: DSC_9018 red tulips, 2018 Royal Adelaide Show, Wayville, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 339 Sawfly larvae (spitfires) - Perga sp., north of Albany, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 005 vegetable plots, Mele, Efate, Vanuatu
JohnJennings995: 007 WWII US Navy plane, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, 1991
JohnJennings995: 037 Post Office, Broken Hill NSW
JohnJennings995: DSC_8332 towards setting sun, Kingston Park, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_6138 unknown purple flowers, Pennington Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia