JohnJennings995: 002 Canola near Roseworthy, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 014 Blue Holes, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, 1991
JohnJennings995: 066 Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 071 Forbidden City, Beijing, China
JohnJennings995: 073 dragon water spout, Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 074 row of dragon water spouts, Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 085 Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 089 coffee & tea house, Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 094 Temple of Heaven, Beijing
JohnJennings995: DSC_1652 gibber plain on road to Pimba, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2170 New Zealand Christmas tree (Metrosideros excelsa), Adelaide SA
JohnJennings995: DSC_2268 single red hibiscus, North Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2425 abandoned farmhouse, Karoonda Road, west of Chapman Bore, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2566 cones of Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), Waite Arboretum, Uni of Adelaide
JohnJennings995: DSC_2724 Adelaide Oval at night, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2736 Skycity Casino at night, Adelaide, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_2851 former Primitive Methodist Chapel, Wellington Square, North Adelaide
JohnJennings995: DSC_3043 abandoned horse-drawn Shearer stripper, Wagenknecht Road, Pallamana, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_3044 abandoned horse-drawn Shearer stripper, Wagenknecht Road, Pallamana, South Australia
JohnJennings995: DSCN0544 Napper's ruins, former Lake Bonney Hotel, Barmera, South Australia
JohnJennings995: Kangaroo paw, Pemberton, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 072 Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 069 crowded Forbidden City towards Hall of Preserving Harmony, Beijing
JohnJennings995: 056 Forbidden City, Beijing
JohnJennings995: DSC_5938 Lampranthus piquetbergensis, Wittunga Botanic Garden, Blackwood, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 392 Nuytsia floribunda, Christmas Tree Well, Darling Ranges, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_6546 abandoned farmhouse, Neales Road, Eudunda, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 083 Forbidden City, Beijing - fortifications in distance
JohnJennings995: DSC_2762 Easter lilies (Amaryllis belladonna), Beaumont House, Beaumont, SA
JohnJennings995: DSC_2315 Araucaria bidwillii, bunya pine, Urrbrae House, Waite Campus, Uni of Adelaide