JohnJennings995: 317 double-fronted weatherboard cottage, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 318 Cove Street, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 319 cottage, 17 Cove Street, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 320 terrace houses, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 321 terrace houses, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 322 weatherboard cottage, Watsons Bay, Sydney NSW
JohnJennings995: 333 The Gap, South Head, Sydney Harbour NSW
JohnJennings995: 334 The Gap, South Head, Sydney Harbour NSW
JohnJennings995: 335 The Gap, South Head, Sydney Harbour NSW
JohnJennings995: 337 The Gap, South Head, Sydney Harbour NSW
JohnJennings995: 339 knobby club rush (Ficinia nodosa) growing on the clifftop, The Gap, South Head, Sydney Harbour NSW