JohnJennings995: DSCN2410 mammoth's tooth, Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2411 Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2412 traditional lake Biwa boat, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2413 Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2414 Lake Biwa Museum - model boats used on Lake Biwa, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2416 Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2417 traditional Lake Biwa boat, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2420 Lake Biwa ( 琵琶湖 ) from Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2421 Lake Biwa ( 琵琶湖 ) from Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2426 interior of Japanese home, Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2428 display of a light sheet used for insect collecting, Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2429 aquatic insect sampling, Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2430 insect drawer, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2432 beetle model, Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2433 beetle model, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2436 model of predatory beetle, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2437 Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2438 Lake Biwa Museum
JohnJennings995: DSCN2439 species of predatory water beetles, Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2441 front of Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2443 Lake Biwa Museum, Japan
JohnJennings995: DSCN2444 late afternoon sun over Lake Biwa ( 琵琶湖 ), Lake Biwa Museum, Japan