JohnJennings995: DSC_2180 Charcoal iron and minature Mrs Potts iron
JohnJennings995: DSC_2181 two minature Mrs Potts irons
JohnJennings995: DSC_2183 charcoal iron, minature sad iron and minature Mrs Potts iron
JohnJennings995: DSC_2184 miniature Mrs Potts iron and small charcoal iron
JohnJennings995: Neapolitan Laundry from The Graphic (London, England), Saturday, 15 April 1893
JohnJennings995: patent for Mrs Potts iron
JohnJennings995: DSC_1691 old miner's cottage, Andamooka, South Australia
JohnJennings995: antique laundry iron & stove, Musee de la Ville, Noumea, New Caledonia
JohnJennings995: old mangle, Prospect Hill, South Australia
JohnJennings995: old washing machines, Prospect Hill, South Australia
JohnJennings995: sleeve iron
JohnJennings995: DSC_2307 brass trivet, unknown maker. Late Victorian.
JohnJennings995: DSC_2308 cast iron trivet
JohnJennings995: DSC_0704 former Police Station, Wellington, South Australia
JohnJennings995: Sunbeam Iron - Australian Women's Weekly 29 March 1961
JohnJennings995: J M lace iron
JohnJennings995: DSC_7381 museum display, Lions Den Hotel, 398 Shiptons Flat Road, Rossville, Queensland
JohnJennings995: antique flat iron stove
JohnJennings995: DSC_5027 W & S Summer Scales' Sons mangle, Mildura Station Homestead, Cureton Avenue, Mildura VIC