JohnJennings995: 303 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 305 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 306 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 307 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 308 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 309 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 310 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 311 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 312 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 313 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 314 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 315 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 316 Red Tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii), Valley of the Giants, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 318 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 319 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 320 red tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii), Valley of the Giants, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 321 Red Tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii) Valley of Giants, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: 322 Red Tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii) Valley of Giants, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0823 young Red Tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii), Valley of Giants, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0824 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0826 red tingle (Eucalyptus jacksonii), Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0830 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0834 tree top walk, Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0835 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0836 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0837 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0838 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0839 Valley of the Giants, Denmark, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0816 giant ants, Valley of Giants Visitor Centre, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia
JohnJennings995: DSC_0819 giant Onychophora (velvet worm), Valley of Giants Visitor Centre, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia