sherd_03: Day 3: 100 Days of Summer
sherd_03: Day 1 of !00 Summer Days
sherd_03: Day 2a of !00 Summer Days
sherd_03: Day 2b of !00 Summer Days
sherd_03: When you are 9 and obsessed with aliens it makes perfect sense to wear a foil covered hockey helmet to bed. (his sister's attire that she wore to the dentist today is just as entertaining, but that is a different post)
sherd_03: On the steps of the dentist office. 13C today (in Feb in Canada!) and she wore winter boots, along with her nightgown and to top it off an inside out t-shirt on her head because the sleeves looked like ears. It went downhill fast from here.
sherd_03: Thank goodness for snowmaking machines
sherd_03: I love Sundays
sherd_03: The day he ran away - to his snowfort
sherd_03: snow mountain grew again today
sherd_03: Sliding through snow mountain
sherd_03: Sometimes the best part of getting mail is the envelope.
sherd_03: finally snow
sherd_03: My cake making assistant was quite productive.
sherd_03: Kicking off his birthday celebrations with a laser tag party this afternoon.
sherd_03: The day he taught his new robot to play the piano