gfitz36: Buddest temple near Namara Eliya
gfitz36: On the road to Nawara Eliya
gfitz36: DSC01673
gfitz36: Tea Factory
gfitz36: DSC01730
gfitz36: Inside the Tea factory hotel
gfitz36: Sri Lanka at the tea factory
gfitz36: DSC01780
gfitz36: DSC_0223
gfitz36: DSC01770
gfitz36: Tea factory dinner
gfitz36: Tea factory gardens
gfitz36: Tea factory gardens
gfitz36: DSC01789
gfitz36: DSC01792
gfitz36: Rescued turtle
gfitz36: DSC01648
gfitz36: Monitor lizard
gfitz36: DSC_0234
gfitz36: Elephant orphanage
gfitz36: Elephant orphanage
gfitz36: Monks entering cave temples
gfitz36: Monkey at Sigiriya
gfitz36: Cave Budda - 4000 years old
gfitz36: DSC01843
gfitz36: Cave Buddas
gfitz36: DSC01854
gfitz36: Kandy Temple of the Sacred Tooth
gfitz36: Kandy Temple of the Sacred Tooth
gfitz36: Kandy Temple of the Sacred Tooth