bobc4: Mayfly
bobc4: Lucy in the sky
bobc4: eyes
bobc4: Fritillary on Coreopsis
bobc4: Tiny Green hopper on Spiderwort
bobc4: Wet Moth
bobc4: Fritillary on Coreopsis
bobc4: Whirligig Beetles
bobc4: Dark Fishing Spider
bobc4: The Great Attractor
bobc4: Hanging out at the Creek.
bobc4: Checkerspot Butterflies on yellow ironweed
bobc4: Rubyspot
bobc4: Wasps on Button Bushes
bobc4: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) on Farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)
bobc4: Crab Spider
bobc4: pipevine swallowtail
bobc4: Zebra Swallowtail
bobc4: Button Bush flower
bobc4: Companions on a log
bobc4: Sheetweb Weaver
bobc4: grasshoppers
bobc4: Variegated Fritilary
bobc4: Spicebush Swallowtail
bobc4: Widow Skimmer
bobc4: 2Female common Whitetail skimmer980
bobc4: Robber Fly
bobc4: Robber Fly
bobc4: Fork-tailed Bush Katydid
bobc4: Delaware Skipper?