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albums of lois_rancilhac
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Belenois aurota
Israel, March 2019
Cyprus, april 2018
Bavaria, July 2018
Syrichtus proto (Hespérie de l'herbe-au-vent / Sage skipper)
Carterocephalus palaemon (Chequered skipper - Hespérie échiquier)
Heteropterus morpheus (Miroir / Large checkered skipper)
Ochlodes sylvanus (Sylvaine / Large skipper)
Pelopidas thrax (Millet skipper- Hespérie du millet)
Iphiclides podalirius (Flambé / Scarce swallowtail)
Papilio machaon (Machaon / Common swallowtail)
Parnassius apollo (Apollon / Apollo)
Parnassius mnemosyme (Semi apollon / Clouded apollo)
Zerynthia polyxena (Diane / Southern festoon)
Zerynthia rumina (Proserpine / Spanish festoon)
Pieris ergane (Piéride de l'Aethionème / Mountain small white)
Leptidea duponcheli (Piéride de Duponchel / Eastern wood white)
Anthocharis belia (Aurore de provence / Provence orange tip)
Pontia edusa (Marbré de Fabricius / Eastern bath white)
Satyrium w-album (Thècle de l'orne / White letter hairstreak)
Phengaris arion (Azuré du serpolet - Large blue)
Phengaris nausithous (Azuré des paluds - Dusky large blue)
Glaucopsyche paphos (Paphos blue - )
Glaucopsyche melanops (Azuré de la badasse / Black-eyed blue)
Zizeeria kassandra ( Dark grass blue - )
Psuedophilotes baton (Azuré du thym / Baton blue)
Pseudophilotes vicrama (Eastern baton blue - Azuré de Schiffermuller)
Agriades glandon (Azuré des soldanelles - Glandon blue)
Aricia agestis (Collier de corail / Brown argus)
Aricia artaxerxes (Argus de l'Hélianthème / Northern brown argus)
Polyommatus eros (Eros blue - Azuré d'eros)
Danaus chrysippus (Petit monarque / Plain tiger)
Apatura ilia (lesser purple emperor - petit mars changeant)
Hipparchia syriaca (Sylvandre dalmate / Eastern rock grayling)
Hipparchia cypriensis (Cyprus grayling - )
Argynnis adippe (Moyen nacré / High brown fitillary)
Argynnis niobe (Niobe fritillary - Chiffre)
Boloria titania (Nacré porphyrin - Titania's fritillary)
Boloria thore (Nacré noirâtre - Thor's fritillary)
Melitaea diamina ( false heath fritillary - Mélitée noiratre)
Erebia ligea (Moiré blanc-fascié / Arran brown)
Erebia epystigne (Moiré provençal / Spring ringlet)
Erebia aethiops (Moiré sylvicole / Scotch argus)
Erebia cassioides (Moiré lustré / Common brassy ringlet)
Erebia pronoe (Moiré frontinal - Water ringlet)
Erebia pharte (Moiré aveugle - Blind ringlet)
Erebia pandrose (Moiré cendré - Dewy ringlet)
Coenonympha darwiniana (Céphalion / Darwin's heath)
Coenonympha gardetta (Alpine heath - Satyrion)
Coenonympha tullia (Fadet des tourbières - Large heath)
Coenonympha glycerion (Fadet de la mélique / Chestnut heath)
Coenonympha corrina (Fadet thyrrénien / Corsican heat)
Kirinia roxelana (Roxélane - Latice brown)
Ypthima asterope (African ringlet - Asterope)