davescliches: Goliath heron .................................... FL ..........
davescliches: Wading heron ...................... 600mm F4E + TC 1.4 III
davescliches: Blue heron takes flight ..................... FL
davescliches: Night heron ......... FL+TC 14 III
davescliches: Squacco heron .......... Crabier chevelu .........FL
davescliches: Tricolour heron ................................ FL
davescliches: Squacco heron ........... Crabier chevelu ........... FL+TC 14 III
davescliches: Goliath heron ............................................... G2
davescliches: Night heron ..................................................... FL
davescliches: I get a better view from up here !! ............................. FL + TC1.4 III
davescliches: Grey heron ......................... FL
davescliches: Night heron ............. G2 ................ D750
davescliches: Grey heron splashing around ............................. FL + TC 1.4 III
davescliches: Squacco heron ........ crabier chevelu .......... FL + TC 1.4 III
davescliches: Night heron .......................................... FL
davescliches: Black crowned night heron
davescliches: Squacco heron ............................................. FL
davescliches: Squacco heron ........ taken 04/08/2020 in the south of France SETE ...............FL
davescliches: Squacco heron ......................................... FL
davescliches: Squacco heron ..................... FL
davescliches: Squacco heron
davescliches: Squacco heron
davescliches: Startled egret
davescliches: Heron flies by...
davescliches: Down the hatch!
davescliches: Egret having a very bad hair-day!
davescliches: Egret finds a fish!
davescliches: Little egret
davescliches: Egret bags a fish