singhsardar: ...a yellow fluffy ball masquerading as a bird...
singhsardar: ...portrait of a juvenile cedar waxwing...
singhsardar: ...the epitomy of patience...
singhsardar: ...ready..set..go...
singhsardar: Nuthatch with the nuts.
singhsardar: You nut - Behave Yourself!
singhsardar: Red Breasted Nuthatch and the snow..
singhsardar: The archetypal Canadian shot, eh!
singhsardar: I prefer the Peanuts!
singhsardar: Hello, Little Bird!
singhsardar: ...pardon?...
singhsardar: ...clinging to a Mullein..
singhsardar: ...a study of an American Goldfinch (male)...
singhsardar: ...kingfisher...
singhsardar: ...hey, why are all of you flying away?...
singhsardar: studious...
singhsardar: ...a study of a Red Cardinal...