Thelightnote: Olympus 35-S II Tower / E. Zuiko 48:2.8
Thelightnote: Zenit-3M / Industar-22
Thelightnote: Olympus OM-1 / Zuiko Auto-Macro 50:3.5
Thelightnote: AGFA Super-Solina
Thelightnote: Spotmatic - the first native one / Super-Takumar 35:3.5
Thelightnote: FED-2 / Idustar-61 L/D
Thelightnote: Fujica ST801 / Fujinon 55:1.8
Thelightnote: img1072
Thelightnote: Agfa Super Solina / Agfa Gevaert APX-100
Thelightnote: Eternal. . .
Thelightnote: PRPV0692
Thelightnote: Pentax-SV / Super-Takumar 55:1.8
Thelightnote: Zorki-4 / Upiter-8
Thelightnote: Minolta X-570 (or X-500 - as you prefer) / MD 50:1.7
Thelightnote: Spotmatic F / SMC Takumar 135:3.5
Thelightnote: Kodak Royal Supra 200
Thelightnote: Pack of Fujifilm C100 . . .
Thelightnote: Zenit-3M / Industar-22
Thelightnote: Nikon F2 Photomic / Nikkor-S.C 50:1.4
Thelightnote: Minolta X-570 / Rokkor-PF 58:1.4
Thelightnote: Kodak Gold 100
Thelightnote: Pentax-SV / Super-Takumar 50:1.4
Thelightnote: Kiev-88
Thelightnote: Somewhere over the Rainbow...