weatherfordm25: Ecuador Cock of the Rock 5-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Cliff Flycatcher 2-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Cliff Flycatcher-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Chestnut-winged Cinclodes
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Great Thrush-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Red-crested Cotinga-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Lacrymose Mountain Tanager-6997.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Hooded Mountain Tanager 3-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Hooded Mountain Tanager 2-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Hooded Mountain Tanager-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador White Capped Dipper-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Southern Lapwing 2-6214.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Southern Lapwing-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Pale Edged Flycatcher 2-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Pale Edged Flycatcher-5861.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Rufous Throated Tanager-5731.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Rose Faced Parrot-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Roadside Hawk-5573.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Ochre Breasted Antpitta-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Swallows on Wire-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador White Necked Jacobin HBird-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Pale Mandibled Aricari 2-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Pale Mandibled Aricari-4635.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Green Honeycreeper-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Fawn Breasted Brilliant HBird-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Equatorial Antpitta-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Yellow Breasted Brush Finch-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Shining Sunbeam Hbird 2-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Shining Sunbeam Hbird-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Ecuador Masked Flowerpiercer-.jpg