weatherfordm25: Naked Ladies Macro 2 (1 of 1)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) 5 (1 of 1)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Iris from Carolyn (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Skullcap 2 (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Blue-eyed Grass with Visitor (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Barrens Silky Aster (Symphyotrichum pratense) 3 (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Bombus Fervidus on BSilkyAster 2 (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Birdsfoot Violet (Viola pedata)-2936.jpg
weatherfordm25: Tumbling Flower Beetle on Marsh Pink Warren Prairie (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Hummingbird on Obedient Plant (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: American Beautyberry Flowers (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Bladdernut-Edit-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Bombus Fervidus on BSilkyAster 2 (1 of 1)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Beetle on Red Ring Milkweed (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Carpenterbee on Passionflower (1 of 1)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Daniel Gardens - Camden AR (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Spiderwort warren prairie pink (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Spider Lilies Warren Prarie (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Chicory Macro (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Bee on Calico Aster (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Bumblebee on Swamp Milkweed (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Swamp Milkweed and Ladybug (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Rough Coneflower (Rudbeckia grandiflora) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Native Bee on Prairie Nymph (Herbertia lahue) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Copper Iris Warren Prairie 2024 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: IMGP1038-Edit
weatherfordm25: American Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: American Beautyberry Flowers (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: 20230912-Tallgrass Eryngo 3 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: 20230604-Cattle Egret R Evans Prairie (1 of 1)