weatherfordm25: WeedeHaven Meadow 10-1-17 (1 of 1)-2-2
weatherfordm25: White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Nodding Lady's Tresses (Spiranthes cernua) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Downy Lobelia (Lobelia puberula) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Late Aster (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Tickseed Sunflower (Bidens aristosa) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Strawberry Bush (Euonymus americanus) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Golden Aster (Chrysopsis sp) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Agalinis sp. (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Agalinis sp. (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Giant Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Tickseed Sunflower (Bidens aristosa) (1 of 1)-5
weatherfordm25: Small-head Doll's Daisy Among Am. Beautyberry (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Turks-cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var drummondii) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Fly on Whiteleaf Mountainmint (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Bidens aristosa (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Blue Mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum)- (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Longhorn Beetle on Bidens aristosa (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Seedbox (Ludwigia alternifolia) (1 of 1)-4
weatherfordm25: Seedbox (Ludwigia alternifolia) (1 of 1)-3
weatherfordm25: Seedbox (Ludwigia alternifolia) (1 of 1)-2-2
weatherfordm25: Rose Mallow (Hibiscus lasiocarpos) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: White-leaf Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum albescens) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Maryland Meadow Beauty (Rhexia mariana) (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Purple-headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa var. mollis) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Beebalm (Monarda fistulosa) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa var. mollis) (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Turk's Cap (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Spider on Trumpet Creeper (1 of 1)