weatherfordm25: Spring 2017 Meeting (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Spring 2017 Meeting (1 of 1)-3
weatherfordm25: Spring 2017 Meeting (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Gabe DeJong (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Violet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis violacea) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Glade Purple Onion (Allium stellatum) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Arkansas Mint (Clinopodium arkansanum) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Fame Flower (Phemeranthus parviflorus) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Threadleaf Evening Primrose (Oenothera linifolia)
weatherfordm25: Ground Cherry (Physalis sp.) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Monarch Caterpillars (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Monarch Caterpillars (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Giant Swallowtail Caterpillar on Toothache Tree (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Spring 2017 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens) (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Virginia McDaniel Spring 2017 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: White Wild Indigo (Baptisia alba) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Swamp Leatherflower (Clematis crispa) (1 of 1)_tonemapped
weatherfordm25: Wild Indigo Bush (Amorpha fruticosa) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: K_1_9194
weatherfordm25: Swamp Leatherflower (Clematis crispa) (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Lorance Creek Natural Area (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Eric Hunt Spring 2017 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: ANPS Spring 2017 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Ebony Jewellwing Damsel Fly (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Ebony Jewellwing Damsel Fly (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Monarch Caterpillars on Red Ringed Milkweed (1 of 1)