weatherfordm25: Ladybeetles (1 of 3)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Spiderwort and Grasshopper (1 of 1)-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Sundew (Drosera brevifolia) (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Flower - Lady Bird Johnson Center (1 of 1)-3.jpg
weatherfordm25: Cloudless Sulphur on Cardinal Flower (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Pipevine Swallowtail on Thistle (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Megachile Leaf-cutter Bee on Giant Ironweed (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Wasps on American Basketflower (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Four-toothed Mason Wasp (Monobia quadridens) on Goldenrod (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Bumblebee on American Basket-flower (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Pipevine Swallowtail on Obedient Plant (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Emerald Sweat Bee on Passion-flower white form (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1 of 1)-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: RT Hummingbird on Fame Flower (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Great-spangled Fritillary on Purple Coneflower (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Leatherflower (Clematis reticulata) (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Diana Male on Monarda sp. (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Male Diana Fritillary (1 of 1)-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Tumbling Flower Beetle on Marsh Pink (Sebatia sp.)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Diana Fritillary - Male-5833.jpg
weatherfordm25: Common Buckeye on Purple-headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum)-5760.jpg
weatherfordm25: Zebra Swallowtail-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Monarch on Butterfly Milkweed-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Carpenter Bee on Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
weatherfordm25: Sweat Bee on Native Azalea, Swamp Azalea (Rhododendron canescens)-1489.jpg
weatherfordm25: Falcate Orangetip on Wood Betony (Pedicularis canadensis)-1418.jpg
weatherfordm25: Emerald Sweat Bee on Aster-7403.jpg
weatherfordm25: Emerald Sweat Bee on Late Aster-7348.jpg
weatherfordm25: Bumblebee on Yellow Ironweed (Verbisena alternafolia)-8094.jpg
weatherfordm25: Lake Leatherwood - Fall 2015-7510.jpg