weatherfordm25: Carolina Larkspur (Delphinium carolinianum)-5102.jpg
weatherfordm25: Gulf Frittillary on Brazilian Vervain (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: American Basket Flower (Centaurea americana)
weatherfordm25: Cloudless Sulphur on Butterfly Milkweed (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Dragonfly - Rick Evans Prairie (1 of 1)-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dicksissel - Rick Evans Prairie (1 of 1).jpg
weatherfordm25: Painted Bunting.jpg
weatherfordm25: Rudbeckia grandiflora.jpg
weatherfordm25: Grasshopper on Indian Pink.jpg
weatherfordm25: Mexican Hat.jpg
weatherfordm25: Gray Headed Coneflower.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dalea purpurea - Purple Prairie Clover.jpg
weatherfordm25: Butterfly Milkweed and Purple Prairie Clover.jpg
weatherfordm25: Sensitive Briar.jpg
weatherfordm25: Mexican Hat w-Insect-3.jpg
weatherfordm25: Mexican Hat w-Insect-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Antelopehorn Milkweed 3.jpg
weatherfordm25: Prairie Penstemon (Penstemon cobaea) (1 of 1)-2.jpg
weatherfordm25: Indian Pink (Spigelia marylandica)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Thistle Enhanced (Cirisium sp)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Monarch on Butterfly Milkweed-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Prairie Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum plantagineum)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Carolina Larkspur (Delphinium carolinianum)-2781.jpg
weatherfordm25: Carolina Larkspur (Delphinium carolinianum)-2780.jpg
weatherfordm25: Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacia pallida)-2762.jpg
weatherfordm25: Showy Beardtongue (Penstemon cobaea)-2739.jpg
weatherfordm25: Showy Beardtongue (Penstemon cobaea)-2723.jpg
weatherfordm25: Eastern Kingbird-5288.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dickcissel-5261.jpg
weatherfordm25: Summer Tanager-5227.jpg