weatherfordm25: Ernest's Spiderwort (Tradescantia ernestiana)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Virginia McDaniel - Middle Fork Barrens Walk 4-23-16-3976.jpg
weatherfordm25: Middle Fork Barrens Field Trip-2153.jpg
weatherfordm25: Silvery Checkerspot on Pussytoes-3935.jpg
weatherfordm25: Western Daisy (Astranthium sp.) and Nuttall's Cornsalad - Middle Fork Barrens-4040.jpg
weatherfordm25: Nutall's Cornsalad (Valerianella nuttallii) - Middle Fork Barrens-4004.jpg
weatherfordm25: Minuartia patula Growing from Lichen-Covered Slate-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Need Explanation of Insect-Plant Interaction-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Caterpillar Lichen Camoflage (Catocala ilia)-4133-Edit.jpg
weatherfordm25: Habropoda sp. Bee on Ouachita Bluestar (Amsonia hubrichtii)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Purple Milkvetch (Astragalus agrestis) - Middle Fork Barrens -4049.jpg
weatherfordm25: Purple Milkvetch (Astragalus agrestis) - Middle Fork Barrens -.jpg
weatherfordm25: Lichen on Quartz - Middle Fork Barrens-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)-4067.jpg
weatherfordm25: Eric Sundell-4180.jpg
weatherfordm25: John Simpson-4177.jpg
weatherfordm25: Eric Sundell - Dripping Springs Walk 4-23-16-2192.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dripping Springs Field Trip-2177.jpg
weatherfordm25: Pond on Dripping Springs Trail - Hot Springs-5.jpg
weatherfordm25: Spiderwort (maybe Tradescantia ernestiana)-2145.jpg
weatherfordm25: Cinquefoil (Potentilla sp.)-4278.jpg
weatherfordm25: Beebalm (Monarda sp.)-.jpg
weatherfordm25: Beebalm (Monarda sp.)-4243.jpg
weatherfordm25: Seedhead of Dwarf False Dandelion (Krigia sp.)-4268.jpg
weatherfordm25: Pussytoes (Antennaria sp.)-4159.jpg
weatherfordm25: Pussytoes (Antennaria sp.)-4160.jpg
weatherfordm25: Wild Hyacinth (Camassia scilloides)-3895.jpg