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weatherfordm25: Bud Lane-1950.jpg
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weatherfordm25: Christie Avery.jpg
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weatherfordm25: Robert Herron.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dan - Audubon.jpg
weatherfordm25: Gold Dredge - Fairbanks.jpg
weatherfordm25: Craig Frasier.jpg
weatherfordm25: Asia 6-27-2014.jpg
weatherfordm25: Fall 2015 Meeting-7669.jpg
weatherfordm25: Nice Church Lady - SC-9193.jpg
weatherfordm25: Face at Flea Market - Pickens SC-9072.jpg
weatherfordm25: Face at Flea Market - Pickens SC-9058.jpg
weatherfordm25: Face at Flea Market - Pickens SC-9055.jpg
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weatherfordm25: AnnaBell and Pam 4-8-2016-3392.jpg
weatherfordm25: AnnaBell-3365.jpg
weatherfordm25: Boy Playing Video Game
weatherfordm25: Nancy and Addison 9-19-17 (1 of 1)-2
weatherfordm25: Addison 9-19-17 (1 of 1)
weatherfordm25: Sandra Johnson 2014.jpg
weatherfordm25: Phyllis Birthday 2014.jpg
weatherfordm25: Dorothy Wisener.jpg