BOULEVARD P.: Solitude.
BOULEVARD P.: First sight.
BOULEVARD P.: Caesar didn't see it so he ceased to exist.
BOULEVARD P.: Strive for a material that's man made.. [Featured in Flickr's explore]
BOULEVARD P.: Separate myself from the crowd.
BOULEVARD P.: Essentials.
BOULEVARD P.: If you fall, you land on a cloud.
BOULEVARD P.: Isolation.
BOULEVARD P.: Beyond the point.
BOULEVARD P.: Create, Create & Create some more.
BOULEVARD P.: What's inside can't be seen from outside.
BOULEVARD P.: When you make it, never forget who was there for you.
BOULEVARD P.: Advancing.
BOULEVARD P.: Follow yourself.
BOULEVARD P.: A trapped conscious.
BOULEVARD P.: PrayforParis, PrayforSyria, PrayforHope. [Featured in Flickr's explore]
BOULEVARD P.: Trapped soul.
BOULEVARD P.: The mass media control which stories are prioritized. There's no difference of value between one human beings life to the next. #PrayforParis #PrayfortheWorld