Wendi F.:
Some of the handmade tin and copper that Sarajevo has been known for since Ottoman times
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City Hall: the former library which was completely burned inside, including all books, during the siege
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Looking east towards the valley and the 2 bridges crossing the Miljacka that marks the siege border
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One of the older cemeteries in Sarajevo which houses Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic in one location
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the airport - held by the UN during the siege. The tunnel runs under the runway to the Sarajevo side
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the house where the tunnel was built to get supplies into Sarajevo. Mortar attack scars litter the facade but the Serbs never found the tunnel.
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A map of Serb military positions and weapons surrounding Sarajevo during the siege - the Bosnians had no artillery
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a replica of the tunnel - 1m wide and about 1.5m tall for 800m long. Each person going through had to carry 40 kg of supplies (food and military equip) on their back and usually crates of eggs in the front
Wendi F.:
Inside the 800m tunnel where the Bosnians were able to send supplies into Sarajevo without the Serbs finding out