jfcass: Jon and Chase
jfcass: Neko
jfcass: Sleepy Chase
jfcass: Neko
jfcass: Chase Samson and Neko
jfcass: Samson
jfcass: Samson
jfcass: Samson is all "bitches be crazy"
jfcass: Chase
jfcass: Sleepy Chase
jfcass: Chase
jfcass: Tails
jfcass: Chase
jfcass: Submissive
jfcass: Cuddles on the porch
jfcass: Regal Samson
jfcass: Happy Chase
jfcass: Chase
jfcass: Chase
jfcass: Cuddlez
jfcass: Neko staring down a squirrel
jfcass: Obsessed with squirrels
jfcass: Side eye
jfcass: DSC05391
jfcass: DSC05503
jfcass: DSC05546
jfcass: DSC05605
jfcass: DSC07659
jfcass: DSC07660
jfcass: DSC07677