lrobertg1: Ferruginous Hawk I
lrobertg1: Black Phoebe II
lrobertg1: Black-throated Sparrow
lrobertg1: Shades of Brown -Northern Harrier in Flight
lrobertg1: Green Kingfisher II
lrobertg1: Loggerhead Shrike
lrobertg1: MountIan Bluebird in Flight
lrobertg1: Raptor X
lrobertg1: Canyon Wren
lrobertg1: Gray Ghost Hunting
lrobertg1: Thorn Crossed Lovers
lrobertg1: Stalking Harrier
lrobertg1: Anna's at the Feeder
lrobertg1: Female Anna's in Flight
lrobertg1: Fight of the Male Anna's Hummingbird
lrobertg1: Rufous Hummingbird II
lrobertg1: White-winged Dove
lrobertg1: Bridled Titmouse
lrobertg1: Scott's Oriole
lrobertg1: Verdin
lrobertg1: Bullock's Oriole I
lrobertg1: Tufted Flycatcher
lrobertg1: Vermillion Flycatcher in Flight
lrobertg1: Hooded Oriole
lrobertg1: Hepatic Tanager II
lrobertg1: Lark's Bath
lrobertg1: Zone-tailed Hawk I
lrobertg1: Canyon Wren II
lrobertg1: Eagle in Flight
lrobertg1: Bullock's Oriole IV