Michael Guttman: Watercolors
Trey Ratcliff: Lens Testing
Don Komarechka: Snowflake-a-Day #39
wentloog: Stormy Panorama
vampire-carmen: Empire State Building
Marco Restivo: Dirty thunderstorm - Etna
carolina_sky: Lava Creatures: The Forge [explored]
Kiwi Tom: Rainbow Falls
Guy Schmickle: Wildflower Meadow and Hesperus Peak
Guy Schmickle: Moonsoon Sunset in the La Plata Mountains
Guy Schmickle: Porphyry Basin Waterfall
Guy Schmickle: Clash Of Seasons
Guy Schmickle: Flying Lessons
dwfphoto: Tahquamenon Falls
VictorLiu Photography: Aurora night in the mighty Yukon
Rick Bolin: Aspens in Abstract
AventureColombia: Cocora Valley
AventureColombia: Tatacoa Desert
Gary Randall: The amazing aurora over Portage Lake Alaska
conanhc: Into the mountains, Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon Canada
kdee64: Kingdom of the Eagle
Marc Shandro: North Klondike Valley - Yukon Autumn
Marina Bass (back in NY): Tombstone Valley, Yukon
terenceleezy: The Clearing Storm
Saguaro Pictures: Sunset Lightning
Marina Bass (back in NY): Grizzly Lake, Yukon