Titanjie: DSCN1399
Titanjie: Tenue Oscar de la Renta
Titanjie: Paris Pretty fashion 1989
Titanjie: 1979 Barbie Fashion Favorites #2788 Rain or Shine
Titanjie: habillages couture ete indien1980 #0633
Titanjie: 2787Fashion favorites 1979
Titanjie: #772 The Prince 1964
Titanjie: Private Collection Floral Dress Fashion# 4959 de 1989
Titanjie: City Sophisticate (Designer Originals) #2801 de 1979, Haute Couture #12169 de 1994, #10768, #10769 de 1993 , Beverly Hills Barbie Fashions #3310 de 1987
Titanjie: Perfume Pretty Scented Fashion 1987, #4620, #4625, #4623
Titanjie: Romantic Wedding 1986, Wedding Party Fashions # 7965 1984
Titanjie: Fashion Avenue : EveningWear 1997, Hot Pink Shirt & Jean Overalls 1995, Boutique #14672
Titanjie: CITY STYLE FASHIONS Out on The Town Looks #4434 1988
Titanjie: DSCN4018
Titanjie: Magic Dance Fashion #7393 1989
Titanjie: Tim Gunn Fashion
Titanjie: Get ups'n go #2301 de 1978
Titanjie: DSCN0071
Titanjie: DSCN0069
Titanjie: DSCN0005
Titanjie: Costum Ball Fashion #7764 1990
Titanjie: Get ups'n go #2302 de 1978
Titanjie: Barbie Bubble Cut in Little Theatre Guinevere 1962
Titanjie: Teresa Benetton with City Style 1987
Titanjie: Fashion Queen in Black Magic #1609 de 1964
Titanjie: IMG_20191101_144602
Titanjie: Barbie in Bride's Dream 1963
Titanjie: Barbie Dream Glow made in Spain with Dream Glow fashion
Titanjie: Spectacular Fashion #9144 1984