phsaparthistory: Athenian agora
phsaparthistory: Anavysons Kouros.
phsaparthistory: Peplos Kore from the Acropolis
phsaparthistory: Niobides Krater (Apollo side)
phsaparthistory: Niobides Krater
phsaparthistory: Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
phsaparthistory: Acropolis plan.
phsaparthistory: Parthenon
phsaparthistory: Parthenon pediment depicting Helios, horses, and Dionysus (Heracles?)
phsaparthistory: Temple of Athena Nike
phsaparthistory: Victory adjusting her sandal.
phsaparthistory: Plaque of the Ergastines
phsaparthistory: Grave stele of Hegeso.
phsaparthistory: Winged Victory of Samothrace
phsaparthistory: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
phsaparthistory: Athena attacking the giants from Great Alter of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
phsaparthistory: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena plan
phsaparthistory: Seated boxer